Teresa Stephens – 512-296-4195
B.S. – Plant and Soil Science – Texas Tech University – 1998
M.S. – Horticulture – University of Tennessee – 2001

At a loss for what your landscape needs?

I can visit with you on site and help to formulate a plan of action.

A few of the consulting services I specialize in are:

  • Identifying pest and disease problems and prescribing treatment.
  • Developing fertilization programs for lawn, shrubs, trees, and perennials.
  • Identifying existing plants and outlining care programs including pruning requirements and possible pest problems.
  • Solving challenges such as poor drainage areas, dense shade, intense heat, slopes, etc.
  • Developing maintenance programs for weed control in lawns and beds.
  • Outlining proper maintenance practices for specific lawn types.
  • Instructing proper pruning techniques for small trees, shrubs, roses, and perennials.

If what you need is not specifically listed above please give me a call and we can discuss your particular landscape concerns. If I am not the ideal person to address the problem I can most likely point you in the right direction and refer someone who is best suited to your particular needs.

Consultation Fee

My consultation fee is $75 per hour with a 1 hour minimum. The remaining time is rounded out into quarter hour increments. If there is considerable travel time involved (more that 20 miles) an additional travel fee will be applied.

Preparation recommendations for our consultation

  • Have a site plan copied for drawing plant locations and note taking.
  • Prepare a list of key concerns.